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0 hours
Active until the user logs in.
Reason for block:

Hello hessenland and welcome to OpenStreetMap!

You may not be aware, but when you edit OpenStreetMap you’re editing a map that everyone can see, not just your personal copy. Please do continue editing, but please do only add things that are verifiable on the ground.

Please do take the time to reply where people have tried to get in touch - you should get an email, but if that does not work you can look at

There is also a forum discussion about your edits at

I’ve sent this message as one that you have to read before continuing to edit - you’ll be able to carry on as soon as you’ve read it. If you’d like to get in touch with OSM’s Data Working Group you can by emailing .

Best Regards,

Guillaume Rischard, on behalf of OpenStreetMap’s Data Working Group.