
23 hours
Active until the user logs in.
Reason for block:

Hello Tinkerbell9597,

I am writing to you on behalf of OpenStreetMap’s Data Working Group.

It has been brought to our attention that you are adding grass, parks etc. where none exist in reality, and that you openly admit to doing that, and that you defend your actions, claiming that “OSM actually doesn’t mind” and that somehow adding fictional data is ok as long as you openly say it’s for Pokemon go.

Let me make it totally clear that this is not the case. OpenStreetMap only accepts edits that are based on reality. Fictional edits have never had a place in OSM and never will - no matter if you add a note about Pokemon go or not. Everyone is encouraged to remove fictional data added to OSM, and you have no right to ask other OSM users (like you did with oormilavinod) to “not touch your map edits”.

There are other platforms that invite you to draw fantasy maps, like e.g. if you are so inclined.

We’d be happy to keep you on as a contributor of local knowledge that improves our map. But please only add stuff that is indeed there, in reality.

Thank you for your understanding
Frederik Ramm
OSMF Data Working Group