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Public GPS Traces from takhadnotor

by takhadnotor in foot

by foot, Dingelstädt to Küllstedt

by takhadnotor in car

by car, Heiligenstadt to Eichenberg

by takhadnotor in train

by train - Halle to Kassel

by takhadnotor in car

by car - Kassel to Berlin

by takhadnotor in car

by car, Dingelstädt to Bad Langensalza

by takhadnotor in by, foot

Habichtswald, by foot

by takhadnotor in car

by car - Silberhausen train station to Dingelstädt

by takhadnotor in car

by car, Heiligenstadt to Dingelstädt

by takhadnotor

by car

by takhadnotor in foot

by foot

by takhadnotor in tram, foot

by tram / by foot

by takhadnotor in car, Allgäu

by car, Kempten to Breitachklamm to Baad (Kleinwalsertal)

by takhadnotor

by foot, at the Iller

by takhadnotor in car

car, some roads between Munich and Kempten

by takhadnotor in railroad

Railroad: Kassel-Hann.Münden-Eichenberg-Heiligenstadt