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Bicycle Homiel

Posted by soya666 on 13 January 2023 in English.

map of bicycle infrastructure

At the end of 2021, I had an idea to collect missing bicycle infrastructure data in Homieĺ (Bielaruś), then visualize and generate statistics. Thus began a project called Bicycle Homiel.

Projects Stages

  • Collecting and adding missing data to OpenStreetMap: both missing objects and characteristics of objects
  • Export data into a PostgreSQL database
  • Calculation of general statistics with SQL, calculation of statistics by districts with PostGIS
  • Export geodata into GeoJSON; export statistics into JSON
  • Uploading geodata and statistics to the website

Point objects (parking, shop, repair station) were collected using Every Door. Cycleways were photographed, and then missing data were added using JOSM.

And while cycleways were generally fine, most of the shops, parking lots, and repair station were missing in OSM.


As of 13.01.2023 OpenStreetMap has 629 bicycle parking, 17 km of cycleways, 14 bicycle shops, and 4 bicycle repair stations in Homieĺ.

Cycleways, shops, and repair stations are all mapped (it is possible that in recent months new objects have been opened that are not in OpenStreetMap, or a small part of the existing ones are not included). But the bicycle parking are only partially covered. IMHO, there are about 1000 bicycle parking lots in Homieĺ, i.e. only 60 % of them are added in OSM.


The website includes two pages:

  1. Map of bicycle infrastructure
  2. Statistics


Data: OpenStreetMap

Instruments: JOSM, Every Door, osmium, osm2pgsql, PostgreSQL, PostGIS, Python, JavaScript


Project repository

Location: 52.424, 31.013