
robx's Diary Comments

Diary Comments added by robx

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Is it ok to replace someone else's trail?

You can make waypoints on the Forerunner by hitting the lap button. Current (possibly unreleased) versions of gpsbabel will create GPX waypoints from lap starts in the TCX.

Nüvi-Garmin OSX OSMtoIMG

It bundles a compiled version of mkgmap without source code, violating the GPL. Also, asking for donations when you're redistributing other software without even giving credit is at least questionable.


It's strange: there's two borders in the mapnik render, and the one with Österreich on it doesn't correspond to a way in the data layer. Either it's already been fixed, or this is some boundary data mapnik is pulling from elsewhere. Osmarender doesn't appear to have this problem.

Roll back and comments - Deleting work

Regarding "important" people rolling back, I think it's mostly a matter of having the technical ability to do the roll-back. Rolling back then is just uploading an old state of data, and can be done by anyone.

The only part which might be helped by "importance" is doing large uploads locally, which will go faster thanks to lower latency.

Ugh, my island is a mess on here.

The scribbled lines might have to do with the TIGER import? Maybe you could post a link to the relevant area?

By the way, it is quite possible that the data is indeed misaligned. Especially if the GPS track supports this.

Parks and Rivers

You just need to use the layer tag if your bridge actually crosses something else. And if that something else is tagged layer=-1, there's no need to put a layer tag on your bridge.


Mapping forest trails

I do this similarly, though for me, if it's not a track, it's a footway by default, if it's not mainly used by or made for horses. This is in Germany, where I believe horses aren't generally allowed on such small paths.

Removal of known errors

You can enter hiking trails. Just highway=footway for a start, plus possibly a route relation if it's some longer route made up of several footways.

waterway Hengsbach is lost?

According to
you deleted it yourself at 2008-06-27T20:49:48+01:00.

Wege als Inline tauglich kennzeichnen

Vielleicht habe ich nicht genau genug gelesen: smoothness=excellent wenn der Belag gut genug ist. Um zu kennzeichnen, dass Inlineskaten erlaubt ist, vielleicht skate=yes? Europaweit 7mal verwendet.

Got any waders

That really shouldn't cause flooding. As far as I know, only natural=water causes areas to be filled. Either there was a way with natural=water when the Mapnik-tiles were last generated, or it's a bug in that renderer, I'd think. You could try filing a bug report.

By the way, it's impressive how Basel has improved in the past few months.


Wege als Inline tauglich kennzeichnen

smoothness=excellent bietet sich an: .


GPX Import failure

The GPX data is stored with time stamps in the database. Two ways I can see around your problem: synthesize timestamps (maybe someone has written a tool to do this?) , or don't upload the tracks and load them directly into JOSM.


Die Aufzeichnung sieht mit dem Auto sieht bestimmt auch glatter aus, da die Punkte weiter auseinander liegen. Dass die niedrige Geschwindigkeit schadet, glaube ich nicht. Dann eher ungleichmäßige Geschwindigkeit (z.B. in der nach vorne und hinten geschwungenen Hand). Vielleicht mal eine andere Position ausprobieren: Schulter oder Kopf?

Getting started

In my experience, 512MB should be plenty for a start.

Where the streets really have no name

You may be interested in the recent inconclusive discussion about name=none etc: .


anybody working with Garmin eTrex Legend HCx as well?

I have almost the same unit: a Vista HCx. To download data on a Mac, I suggest using gpsbabel. There's a user-friendly GUI variant called gpsbabel+. See

Maybe we should start a wiki page collecting information for these devices? E.g., gpsbabel command lines; useful settings; is it possible to save to memory card with frequency 1/s and to internal memory with lower frequency...

Schlachtensee & Studentendorf Schlachtensee fast fertig...

Schön! Bis zum Schlachtensee bin ich noch nicht gekommen.

Wenn du mal in der Nähe bist: Mitte des Fischerhüttenwegs ist eine 5er-Kreuzung, die ich zweimal an sehr unterschiedlichen Orten (über 100m Abstand) aufgezeichnet habe. zeigt zwischen beide Versionen. Vielleicht kannst du mal eine unabhängige dritte Messung machen?


my own map

I'm afraid I don't understand exactly what you're trying to do... What is the "openstreet view utility"? By your "own" map, do you mean your own rendering of the data, or a rendering of your own .osm-data?

The offline editors (JOSM, Merkaartor) and Kosmos allow viewing map data on your computer. If you're
on Windows and not interested in editing, Kosmos is probably the best bet: . Using these, you can download and display OSM
data from or just view your own .osm-file.


What's wrong with this file, I cannot upload it!

I believe your XML markup was stripped -- can you upload it somewhere else and link to the file?