
Public GPS Traces from glebius

by glebius in Emigrant, Sierra

Bell Meadow - Camp Lake - Bear Lake - Piute Meadow - Grouse Lake - Pine Valley

by glebius in Kaiser, Sierra

Kaiser Wildeness: Billy Creek to Nelly lake, to Kaiser peak and back

by glebius in Santa, Cruz

Madrone Knoll trail, George Rd

by glebius in Sonoma

Salt Point State Park

by glebius in LosPadres

Juniperro Serra

by glebius in LosPadres

Indians Ranch; a passable segment of Santa Lucia trail

by glebius in LosPadres

Carrizo trail - North Coast trail - Memorial campground

by glebius in Baja

Bahia de Los Angeles to Cerro Santa Ana peak

by glebius in Humboldt, LCT

Lost Coast Trail: Mattole to Black Sands

by glebius in LosPadres

Santa Lucia attempt 2

by glebius in LosPadres

hike from Arroyo Seco to Santa Lucia stream source, there and back

by glebius in Урал


by glebius in Урал

Вижай-Молебный камень

by glebius in Урал

Ольвинский камень

by glebius in Урал


by glebius in Урал


by glebius in Baja

Bahia de Los Angeles mines trail

by glebius in Кольский

Лиинахамари-Малонемецкая бухта-Немецкая дорога-МустаТунтури-Титовка

by glebius in Кольский

лес на юг от Умбы

by glebius in Карелия

карьер под Чупой