
Public GPS Traces from caprenter

by caprenter in keighley, uk, bradford

Keighley mapping party - skipton rd to lawkholme lane

by caprenter in Bingley, UK

Bingley Mornington Road Area in Detail

by caprenter in Bingley, UK, Gilstead

Gilstead, above Dowley Gap - Bingley

by caprenter in bingley, UK

Bingley - Mornington Crescent area

by caprenter in Bingley, UK

Bingley , St. Ives estate

by caprenter in manchester

Manchester Mapping Party Area 6-7-8

by caprenter in manchester

Manchester Mapping Party section 7 20082510

by caprenter in bingley, uk, wyorks


by caprenter in bradford, party, barkerend

From Bradford mapping Party 28 09 08 north of barker end road