
Wynndale's Diary Comments

Diary Comments added by Wynndale

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The baseless "Whats on the Ground" vs the factual "Actual Nature of the Road"

You still don’t get it, do you? You’ve persuaded the other mappers to react with extreme negativity towards the Major Traffic Network when they might have taken it more seriously , because they associate it with your antics.

the DWG rules placed on my edits have already ruined the map

When youʼre in a hole stop digging.

Flats and Rows of Townhouses

Another thing you could try if there are separate entrances is to put addresses on each entrance, for instance

Eight things that I've learned while mapping my neighborhood

If you think mapping has been imported from Google, add a comment to the changeset asking about the origin and tell the Data Working Group.

An open letter to OSMF board members concerning problems with OpenStreetMap-Carto

I would agree that governance isn’t a matter that the EWG should be tackling but there may be issues more in the EWG’s remit that are relevant.

Openstreetmap-Carto – Democracy Or anarchy?

Perhaps it would be better for OSM to actively support the development of alternative general purpose map styles (an alternative being the iD option of changing the maintainer to someone more cooperative).

StreetComplete in Ireland: part 2

As a British mapper I’ve got into StreetComplete recently and I’ve found it something that I can use when I’m taking walks and also to fill in after tracing buildings from aerial imagery. I’ve come to share your enthusiasm.

My first OSM milestone completed

Our virtual conference later this week has a talk about searching addresses. You can either watch live or a recording later if the time doesn’t suit you.

State of the States 2020 - Mapping USA Talk

What happened in Massachusetts and Maryland?

Vespucci 15.0

I wonder if the imagery change could be a bad move. JOSM’s whole imagery subsystem has a whiff of not-invented-here by some core developers; this reveals itself both in some quite unpleasant comments about other programs’ layer indexing but also in a clunky interface that makes it hard to get to non-internationally mainstream imagery when iD just pops up a menu of locally available choices and also renders zoomed-in imagery much more crudely when it does at all.


Two Canadian spams in a row

Taking advantage of recent school closures

That is what I routinely do when I add websites displayed on shops, I also try to find the page for the branch.

Joining a Software Development Firm

s p a m

Some guidance on this year's OSMF AGM resolution votes

If I have read this correctly vote 8 members are associate members and still have to become normal members in advance under vote 3.

Extremely proud to have fixed out of date land uses (industrial etc.)

Keep up the good work. Keeping existing mapping up to date and in good shape is a valuable part of OSM.

OSMF Board elections

Every so often a community takes massive exception to what an online service does, in the last few months this has happened at Wikipedia (English), Stack Exchange, Blizzard and Gitlab. Often there has been a history of complants that wells up until the community hits breaking point.


You missed this one.

Improving the Behavior of Search Engine Optimizer (SEO) Companies

What time of day do they contribute? We may be able to guess their timezone that way.

HTTPS All The Things (https_all_the_things)

The Slack page linked from the wiki isn’t publicly readable. Do you distinguish between permanent and temporary moves or whether HSTS is set?

#CrimeaІsUkraine #DWG #CrimeaMap #КримЦеУкраїна #ИхТамНет

Why collective narcissists are so politically volatile