
Public GPS Traces from Richard

by Richard

Second missing path from hill walk

by Richard

First missing path from hill walk

by Richard in wales, coast, path

Missing/new sections of WCP east of Aberdaron

by Richard

Forest of Dean 9

by Richard

Forest of Dean 7

by Richard

Forest of Dean 6

by Richard

Forest of Dean 5

by Richard

Forest of Dean 4

by Richard

Forest of Dean 3

by Richard

Forest of Dean 2

by Richard

Forest of Dean 1

by Richard

Hounslow Heath 2

by Richard

Hounslow Heath 1

by Richard in Wales, Coast, Path

Missing section of Wales Coast Path

by Richard in ncn, worcestershire, gloucestershire

Because cycling across fields is fun

by Richard in oxfordshire, walking

dear farmers, please at least try and make a token effort to keep the paths passable

by Richard in oxfordshire, walking

Extend the D'AD a bit

by Richard in county_durham, c2c, ncn, rain

Wet cyclist is really quite soaking now

by Richard in cumbria, northumberland, c2c, ncn, rain

Wet cyclist is drying off a bit

by Richard in cumbria, c2c, ncn, rain

Wet cyclist is wet