
Public GPS Traces from Plenz

by Plenz in Finland, Rauma

Street 2020 and others

by Plenz in Finland, Ikaalinen, Eurajoki, Rauma


by Plenz in Finland, Ellivuori


by Plenz in Finland, Yläne, Huittinen


by Plenz in Finland, Uusikaupunki, Yläne


by Plenz in Finland, Rauma


by Plenz in Rauma, Finland


by Plenz

Schloss Neuschwanstein

by Plenz in Eurajoki, Finland

Eurajoki (Satakunta)

by Plenz in Finland, Rauma

Rauma - Pyynpää (2)

by Plenz in Finland, Rauma

Some minor additions in Rauma

by Plenz in Finland, Rauma

Rauma - Pyynpää

by Plenz in Finland, Rauma

Rauma - Kourujärvi

by Plenz in Rauma, Finland

Rauma - some ways in the forest North of the harbour

by Plenz in Rauma, Finland

Ways in forest near Lonsi

by Plenz

Khao Yai3

by Plenz

Khao Yai2

by Plenz

Khao Yai1

by Plenz in Finland, Rauma

Rauma Otanlahti SW

by Plenz in Finland, Rauma

Rauma Harbor