
PierZen's Diary Comments

Diary Comments added by PierZen

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Lot of frustration due to bad H.O.T. tasks

hotosm project is active in the area. Yes this is a dense area with probably only alleys not clearly visible between buildings. Such area should surely not be mapped by newbies, needs better imagery then usual and contacts with local contributors to validate, identify alleys and attribute the appropriate tags.

Below I provide some infos how to monitor the area using Osmose HTML-List. And we will see that the layer tag seems to have been used to correct reported overlaps between buildings and roads.

From the Osmose HTML-List page, it is possible to obtain summary statistics for the a bbox if we specify item=xxxx. With the hotosm project 11385 bbox, the url link is,2.000613,45.330809,2.037097

It reports 564 Highway intersecting buildings 231 Building intersections 93 Large building intersections 10 Long Highway underground and no tunnel and yes a lot of very imprecise buildings tracings could be added to the list.

To list objects reported for specific items, we can specify the item in the link. For underground highways (item=4110):,2.000613,45.330809,2.037097

The (j) link let’s load a specific object into josm. See for example, highway=residential that should probably be tagged as highway=path without the tag layer=-2 !

##########HASHTAGS###### Syndrome? Catch them young!

Hi all,

The absence of significant comments is part of a more general problem where we escalate in adding constantly new TM projects but do not closely manage them. We have inititors/promoters that create TM jobs and promote crowmapping but do not closely follow participants to TM projects. And most participants are newby with not sufficient training. It would be interesting to see if in-person mapathons let add more signficant hashtags and more data quality.

This TM structuration with Project managers / Validators is more in the description of projects but prove often to be quite inefficient. How can we explain that too often 100% validated projects contain so much bad quality buildings tracing ?

We need more accountabilty from Project managers, more monitoring tools to spot rapidly Incomplete metadata and bad quality data.

Solar power mapping in China: a comparison against ML data

I downloaded the predicted file and looked at this area where we see a lot of structures with no spaces between each row of solar plants.

From my own observation, Images available via Bing, ESRI and Maxar are not clear and detailed enough to assess if the structures are solar plants, greenhouse or nets over the plants.

As always, AI predictions are quite related to image quality. I wonder if the team had better images to interpret the structures observed.

OpenStreetMap Contributor LifeSpans - Revisiting and expanding on 2018 research paper

Hi Jennings, in your diary gray boxes, I cannot see tables and graphs and no links to data.

About prior discussion, Note that there a lot more then the study you refer to. Other then academic publications, you should look at the OSM community where there have been many discussions and analysis about contributors lifespan and contributors profile.

Like Simon, I illustrated the bump effect in 2016 and presented lifecycle plots. Look at my diary OSM Contributors Outlook - The Pulse of OpenStreetMap Contributors. The first graph shows survival curve of yearly cohorts for the first 12 months. For each yearly cohort, we first observe a dramatic decrease after the first month (often after the first day of contribution) and the constant decrease in the following months.

You will also find analysis of contributors vs contribution share for various OSM contributors profile. For example, graph2 shows a constant increase of «Discover» contributors (1-2 days of participation) with a minimal share of contributions (ie. objects edited).

My publications on slideshare about major OSM humanitarian responses also include various analysis of contributors profile where we see the problematic with mapathons of massive number of contributors that participate only once. Their weight in number of objects edited is a lot smaller. More difficult is to analyse the quality of their contribution and how efficient are teams in such mapathons to integrate newcomers and assure quality.

OpenStreetMap Isn't Unicode

I used to have often such encoding problems with acccented characters in python 2. Gladly, a more systematic usage of UTF-8 by the various tools have fixed the problem.

For french language, encoding ( é for é) like the example given by mmd for is one that we often see. This particular example concerns an import for Haiti 2010 for health centers. These were bad imports and no success since then to have an inventory of health centersé In such a context. I generally avoid to correct the syntax. I would prefer that field survey validate first if the center exist.

Searching characters is the easy part. Below is an overpass query with a regex expression to search for multipe accented characters. This is here a partial list of accented characters in french and we can see the result searching around Port-au-Prince, Haiti.

Running JOSM on X86 without Oracle's JAVA

Hi John,

Could you document how easy to install ? If we already have jdk installed, is the download / installation simply replace it ?

Growing features and making OSMCha operationally excellent

Type of edit could be also identified such as imports, organized editing to facilitate monitor these activities.

Growing features and making OSMCha operationally excellent

Hi Wille,

It would be great if some backstore work was done to complete Changeset metadata from the Planet file, adding infos about the type of edit. I dont think that such info is yet available.

objects edited - buildings - roads - waterways - landuse - Administrative polygons etc.

Actions new, modifiy, delete

This would add a lot more flexibility about analyzing edits / spot problems.

Analysis of Bounding Box Sizes Over the Last Eight Years

From the Planet Changesets dump, I did publish brief statistics for 2017 in a Twitter Moment Called Weight of Continents.

I observed for 2017 10 million changesets 6 million where BBOX smaller then 100x100m 11,000 changesets that cover more then a continent

Some kind of Heat Map - I could also represent areas mapped over the continents by tracing all BBOXes except the smaller and larger ones.

Tag Transformations in OpenStreetMap

I repeat the block for the unformatted table example

key value thematic Feature
amenity hospital Health Hospital
building hospital Health Hospital
amenity clinic Health Clinic
Tag Transformations in OpenStreetMap

To export OpenStreetMap data to the UNOCHA Humanitarian Portal, I group OSM data by thematics such as health, education, etc. For such an Extract-Transform-Load system, we need to assure that we cover well the various thematics (we identifiy all the key-value combinations) and validate key-values to assure quality.

ogr2ogr let’s me load OSM Planet for a country into PostGIS. Sqlite-Spatialite can be used for smaller projects. It recognizes PostGIS functions. Otherwise PostgreSQL-PostGIS.

This way it is easy to test-validate the data. For DR Congo planet file, I filter data using series of condition statements. But this could be done using a translation table :

key value thematic amenity hospital Health building hospital Health amenity clinic Health

In the example above, we could also create a generic feature variable to group various key/values that represent the same feature (for example, hospitals).

Quite important to support projects like for the Ebola outbreak north of DR Congo, we need to identify all features, even if misspelled tags. Tag classification assures that we dont miss features. It also help validate the data with a summary of key/values combination for the country.

For example

Thematic Major Key/value Flag
Education amenity=school  
Education amenity=university  
Health amenity=doctors  
Health amenity=hospital  
Nd. highway=Rond point Gouvernorat !!!
Nd. amenity=Voyage !!!
Public Services and Offices office=Bureau Commussion Ebola Butembo !!!
OpenStreetMap Carto release v4.19.0

It would be nice to start looking at major infrastructures like hydro-electric dams and high-voltage power network. Why not start at the same zoom level then major roads?

Maps Update: 17th of April

Zverik, this is an interesting way to monitor big changes, if there was a way to inform the various communities to look at the modifications.

Latest Changes

Yes it has been added to JOSM recently.

When zoom-out in JOSM, it is hidden behind a roadway ref. Zooming-in to the building, I could see it. I will open a ticket for more visibility of the icons.

Latest Changes

If you click for last month edits you should see in the list Matthew Darwin Feb 12th 2018, 1:47:42 pm «zoom» «achavi» Fix validator errors. It was easier to look at yesterday since there was only this changeset listed. With the Changesets viewer in JOSM, with the same BBOX, we can see that there is no object to visualize inside the bbox, but some in towns 10-15 km from this town.

Latest Changes

Nice tool to monitor modifications in our area. It could be improved by focusing on only data modified in the area. Since Overpass returns objects edited in the area, there could be an option to only show data edited inside the selected bbox. This would take care of huge changesets that while they cover the BBOX we look at, might have no or minimal objects modified in the area.

For example, the link below reported today only one changeset. It covers a large area in Canada an north of USA and affects a few hundred nodes, ways and relations. And Achavi cannot help in such cases

To facilitate monitoring of local areas, it would be great that both Latest-Changes and Achavi offer the possibility to see only objects edited in the BBOX.

Hi Friends

Quite important also, you are adding Points of Interest for public services, shops, etc. OSM contributors can make the difference locally adding such informations. This is what I call, to «color the map». Have fun.

Building Canada 2020

@mikel, you should re-read the thread below where Julia C from MapBox writes to Talk-ca, saying that MapBox is collaborating with StatCan to engage Canadian universities to participate in the Building Canada 2020 project. [Talk-ca] Building Canada 2020 OSMGeoWeek Mapathons

As it has been answered in the Thread, The OSM Canada community was not consulted, has other priorities and not the resources to cleanup the map afterwards.

2017-11-11[Talk-ca] Integrating the statistical and geospatial data with ECLAC, United Nations

It looks like we are forcing OSM-Canada community again. But no response yet from the community to support this.

If we are looking at the Missing Map Projects, a lot of marketing is done by the Partner organizations, projects started everywhere with not enough support from the organizations that initiate these projects. And the problems are left to the OSM community. If you are not convinced, go back to what has been done for Haiti in 2016, prior to the October Cyclone and the two weeks after the cyclone. Quite disturbing! Re-read the threads on the HOT list. We dont want that in Canada.

OSM is a community driven organization. Partner organizations should respect this, not force the hand to the communities for projects they planned without discussion with the community.

OSM Contributors Outlook - The Pulse of OpenStreetMap Contributors

I uploaded the tables on Github since it has minimal Markdown table formatting that OSM Diary do not recognize.


OSM Contributors Outlook - The Pulse of OpenStreetMap Contributors

Table formatted

Contributors, Monthly average of participation by year

           All Veterans Veterans 
Year Contributors        in % of year 
2010	13,059 	6,598 	50.5% 
2011	16,003 	8,531 	53.3% 
2012	20,078 	10,182	 50.7% 
2013	21,594 	11,857 	54.9% 
2014	25,322 	13,506 	53.3% 
2015	27,048 	15,176 	56.1% 
2016	38,357 	16,393 	42.7% 
2017	47,486 	22,839 	48.1%