
Pecisk's Diary Comments

Diary Comments added by Pecisk

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My Russian is not so good, so I will answer in English :)

amenity=waste_disposal is recycle bin which are meant for places like parks, leisure places, etc. where you can dump all your trash you got while partying, taking a rest there. Usually they are quite big due of amount of visitors and garbage collected there.
amenity=recycle_bin or waste_basket is single recycle bin, which are meant for small amount recycle material.
amenity=recycling is a utlity/factory which recycles material.

For your question I think we can have additional tag for amenity=waste_disposal or amenity=recycle_bin, like recycle=paper or recycle=plastic. Using amenity=recycling for special baskets with 'paper', 'plastic' written on it are very very wrong. Please correct such cases when you see one.