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Mezzanine's Diary

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Losing reality

Posted by Mezzanine on 25 May 2012 in English.

Looking over my local area for the first time in a while and wondering what has been going on over the last couple of months. Looks like mappers are trying to improve something - perhaps the rendering or making things easier for routing engines or maybe even remapping areas that might soon be lost? In doing so a lot of subtle (and in some cases not so subtle) detail is being thrown away. Here’s a single example:

What happened to the dedicated right-turn bus lane that enters this junction from the west? It may not be on the aerial imagery but it’s most definitely there on the ground and was in the map until recently. Why can you no-longer turn right when coming in from the north? The new way connectivity has inadvertently stopped this. Don’t get me started on the road names and refs.

It’s going to take some time to put things back properly.

Last time I breathed on this junction, it was navigable and represented what was actually on the ground. A lot of activity has been going on but I’m almost afraid to look much further…

Location: 51,248, -0,580

First couple of bus routes

Posted by Mezzanine on 6 June 2010 in English.

Tricky but satisfying. Spent a few hours mapping in my first bus routes including stops:

JOSM's relation editor is good for this and the public_transport plugin can be used to auto-add stops. Don't use both at the same time though and make sure the relation roles are properly specified before adding the stops.

As a side-effect, I also stumbled across (and fixed) a few way issues too..