
Marián Kyral's Diary Comments

Diary Comments added by Marián Kyral

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Unfortunately, I can’t set custom refresh rate in my RSS reader so I had to delete this feed from my reader. It’s terrible big amount of useless entries. To find this post I had to list more than 80 pages back :-O

Maybe will be useful to not automatically publish entries of new users, but hide them until admin review them. At least until this troll will move to another server.

My suggestion on OMS

But this is a lot work. OSM fundation has no budget to pays developers. But many 3rd party apps using OSM data exists: Locus, OsmAnd, Maps.Me,…

Some of them are able to do basic POI editing. For rest, there is a Vespuci. But I personally prefer big screen and mouse for editing.

BTW, OSM website and iD editor are HTML+JS, so already works on all platforms ;-)

My suggestion on OMS

Great idea. But what purpose of this application should be? Map viewer with navigation? Map editor?

OSM: Why can't contributors check/correct their own work!

Sorry. Initially I’ve spoken about iD only. This is the editor recommended to beginners and there are no validation checks. So new user does not know, that something is wrong. Editors should be more pedantic and help users with common data errors as much as possible.

The best way to get in contact with new mappers is to comment (politely!) in a changeset discussion.

Nice idea, but they mostly doesn’t answers to these comments :-(

OSM: Why can't contributors check/correct their own work!

Sorry, it is PoTlaTch…

OSM: Why can't contributors check/correct their own work!

JOSM can only check what it has. If I don’t download everything in an area I’m working on I can break relations and not get any warning from JOSMs validator.

Really depends on way, how are you working. But in iD or PoTTlach ;-) you have no checks at all.

OSM: Why can't contributors check/correct their own work!

I know several advanced mappers that tested JOSM and they don’t like the way, how it works and think that JOSM is user unfriendly.

OSM: Why can't contributors check/correct their own work!

JOSM has many controls and data validations on “commit”. I’m notified when something seems to be wrong and I can fix it immediately. iD has nothing like this.

Using of any external tool that is updated next day, is not much comfortable. You need to not forget and have a time to do it.

There are some possibilities: 1) implement basic validations to iD 2) implement basic validations to OSM API 3) implement a special layer on main page, so any error became visible almost immediate.

I want create map like this. based on OpenStreetMap?

What about umap? Or Leaflet

Long Names of OpenStreetMap

At the other side - we should not do mapping for render. It is not my fault that renders does not render it better.

FacilMap 2 has been released

Nice. But If I do a long press on church inside park, it give mi details about park and not about the church.

JOSM and Me... (DeBigC)

I did some edits in iD, but soon switched to JOSM. And this days I’m not able to use iD for anything more than simple quick fixes.

Č. Těšín, vložení lesního mokřadu

Pěkné, díky ;-)

My christmas gift for the OSM Community - JOSM Keyboard Shortcuts Cheat Sheet 300 DPI

So I’ve made some changes and Czech version is available on my gihub:

My christmas gift for the OSM Community - JOSM Keyboard Shortcuts Cheat Sheet 300 DPI

Also EXO 2 font looks good:

My christmas gift for the OSM Community - JOSM Keyboard Shortcuts Cheat Sheet 300 DPI

So it seems like Open Sans Condensed and Ubuntu Condensed (little bit sized down) could do this job.

My christmas gift for the OSM Community - JOSM Keyboard Shortcuts Cheat Sheet 300 DPI

Thanks, but only first font contains Czech characters, but unfortunately is unreadable on small size. Will continue with searching.

My christmas gift for the OSM Community - JOSM Keyboard Shortcuts Cheat Sheet 300 DPI

Hi, thanks a lot for the gift. I’ve started with translation to Czech. I’m almost done, but found some issues:

1) TW fonts are commercial - any suggestion for free replacement?

2) Ctrl + Delete + hold Alt = Help/Action/Delete#Altmodifier and Ctrl + Delete + hold Ctrl = Help/Action/Delete#Ctrlmodifier

This is wrong description in source page. In fact, there is Delete mode and Ctrl, Shift and Alt are modifiers of the mode:

Should be like this: Ctrl + Delete - will delete selected objects (if any) and switch to delete mode - hold Alt and click on way - will delete way and all associated but unused nodes - hold Shift and click on way segment - will remove segment and split way in two - hold Ctrl and click on object - will remove object and all its references

Osmic icons for JOSM


5 dreams/ proposals for OSM headquarters (please comment)

I like the default mapnik style . But the given style is also nice. Google style is not very nice, but he covers the whole planet. Also it is a default map in android phones. I think, this is the reason, why are so popular. But on local level, there are many local services that looks much better than google maps and also have more details than google.

E.g.: In Czech republic we have from the local google competitor. In the left upper corner you can choose another type of the map - default, tourist, cycle, transport, photo, historical… You can also switch for aerial map and on some places, the local version of street view is available (not so good as from google).

The main advantage is, that all is on one place. When I plan some trip, I zoom to the area I’m interested and I can check what tourist attractions are there, I can plan route, it shows me distance, time (for car, bicycle and foot) and the elevation profile of the route. I can also quick check restaurants close to the route, click on them and get detail information and directly open restaurants web site.

When I want to do this by using openstreetmap data, I have one page with default map, second with tourist routes, third for routing, fourth for interactive POI’s a fifth is a page with some satellite maps. So five websites that I need to open, five independent websites - when I move somewhere else on one website, I need to repeat this move on other websites as well. It is very uncomfortable.

So I agree, that this approach is not good. needs look to the future.