
I’m looking for a navigator program that has the option to pronounce the name of the street when to go through it. If somebody knows any one, please say me. I think it must have something like this in the market because I guess this should be very usual for the blind, but it is not my case.

In the event that any program with these characteristics isn’t found, I’m thinking about developing it myself. I try to use Visual Studio. NET for Windows 7. (VB or C#) Later on, I try to migrate to Android with B4A or Eclipse.

I have seen with JOSM that in the OSM structure they are the labels with the names in different languages. What I need is to access this information, programmatically. Are they any library (API) that can be able to access for read this OSM data? Thank you, very much to any that can give me some information.

Location: First May Buildings, Nasr City, Cairo, Egypt


Comment from Pink Duck on 5 March 2014 at 14:18

OsmAnd ( - Android) has had the ability to announce street names and road numbers since version 1.5, so that might be worth a look.

Comment from thomersch on 6 March 2014 at 10:30

Hey Carlos,

there is the Overpass API that allows you to access OpenStreetMap via HTTP request. Overpass Turbo is a superb IDE that makes Overpass query testing very easy. You can type in your query on the left side and receive a result directly on the map.

The query language of Overpass may seem a bit weird, but is actually very powerful and enables easy access from any programming language and environment.

If you need commercial support, we can help you, too, just drop me a message.

Comment from karussell on 6 March 2014 at 12:00

GraphHopper also stores the street names and the lookup is easy: ala graphHopper.getLocationIndex().findClosest(lat, lon).getEdge().getName()

GraphHopper runs on Android too, but you’ll have to develop a full app on your own. There is currently only a rather raw demo for Android.

Comment from Sanderd17 on 6 March 2014 at 14:36

Not exactly what you asked, but something like this could be handy too:

Though the last update was in 2012.

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