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wierdo's Notes

Notes submitted or commented on by wierdo

Id Creator Description Created at Last changed
closed 23502 wierdo

bobby h Johnson memorial highway

closed 23518 wierdo


closed 23519 wierdo


closed 23521 wierdo

40 begins here

closed 23522 wierdo


closed 374711 wierdo

The imagery here does not reflect the most current configuration. My recent edit is topologically correct, but is probably not positionally precise, as I don't presently have a GPS track for the new configuration of SB Palmetto to WB Dolphin. Hopefully I'll be able to get a track soon.

The SB entrance ramp from NW 25th Street becomes the right lane of SB Palmetto (no merge) and then splits to WB Dolphin with no access to 87th Avenue The second to right lane later splits to a ramp to the EB Dolphin according to pavement markings. I have not taken the second movement personally.

closed 23351 wierdo


closed 23346 wierdo


closed 23347 wierdo


closed 23350 wierdo