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wardmuylaert's Notes

Notes submitted or commented on by wardmuylaert

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Id Creator Description Created at Last changed
closed 4295910 wardmuylaert

There seemed to be a path here heading south from the Charcoal Trail Loop, but I did not have time to walk it.

closed 3881476 wardmuylaert

did not spot the sculpture here

closed 3957747 StefDeGreef

Need mapillary survey

closed 2372727 Andy0225

"Coastal Ave"
POI has no name
POI types: highway-service
OSM data version: 2020-08-22T02:23:14Z

closed 2372726 Andy0225

"Pacific Ave"
POI has no name
POI types: highway-service
OSM data version: 2020-08-22T02:23:14Z

open 4271601 wardmuylaert this powerline named pipeline unconnected to anything might need an update, going by the gap in the woods it is probably actually a thing but I wouldnt know what reference to use to correct the tagging/expand it to connect to other networks

closed 4177893 wardmuylaert

Passeerde langs dit punt en hier was een fence en gate dat leek alsof deel van de Robbrechtstraat naar het westen toe privéterrein was. Mogelijk was er plek tussen de twee percelen, maar dat zag er uit als hellend schuine kant en overgroeid. Heb ik iets over het hoofd gezien of is er toch een connectie? Was tijdens het lopen, dus niet de wil om te lang rond te kijken.

Ik zet de note zodat iemand die wel in de buurt woont mss wat meer op het gemak kan surveyen :)

closed 3713288

Mosquée Annasr
communauté marocaine, sunni.
Mechelsesteenweg 89 ; 1800 Vilvoorde

closed 3713291

name : Rahman Camii. (moske)

Cyriel Buyssestraat 14, 1800 Vilvoorde

communauté turc, sunni (denomination)

closed 4037019 wardmuylaert

Needs survey for street names

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