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w_morland's Notes

Notes submitted or commented on by w_morland

Id Creator Description Created at Last changed
open 3529580 w_morland

Buildings are almost done. May be possible to map soon

closed 3366079 w_morland

New roundabout and commercial development

closed 3017232 w_morland

Listed as swimming pool but does not look like it from aerial imagery

closed 3094374 RedAuburn

Unable to answer "What are the opening hours of Aqua (Restaurant)?" for via StreetComplete 41.0:

Looks like it's shutting down

closed 3482731 RedAuburn

there are a few shops here, including a bar #surveyme

closed 1796527 edisg

Unable to answer "What is the name of this place? (Nursery/Childcare)" for via StreetComplete 12.0:

The category of this building is incorrect. It should be changed from nursery/childcare to school building as the site it sits on is a primary school.

closed 3123262 Village90

Electronic car chargers in undercroft car park space for 6 cars operate Tesco Pod Point different charger types and kwh. As per photos

via StreetComplete 42.0

Attached photo(s):

closed 1358554 Village90

Space for 2 bikes uncovered cycle racks

via StreetComplete 5.0-beta2

closed 3202672 robert_da16

Please mark this as a permitted section for cycling. Streetview etc will confirm 'except cycling' displayed on no-entry signs. At present Komoot does not recognise this a permitted route which makes me suspect some tags are missing.

closed 3094383 RedAuburn

Unable to answer "What are the opening hours of Holland & Barrett (Health Food Shop)?" for via StreetComplete 41.0:

Reopens 23rd march