vaandor's Notes
Notes submitted or commented on by vaandor
Id | Creator | Description | Created at | Last changed | |
1470103 | wakarii | Burkolat fedi jól járható a Csaba utca |
2119294 | osm_Ralef | The round about is ready to use. I was there tonight and had to use the it. |
2058372 | Átadták az új fapados 2A beszállítócsarnok, egyben megszűnt a "bádogkarám". Fel kellene mérni, berajzolni. Survey and draw the new budget terminal. |
2097529 | GBAB | A new building is missing here |
1440933 | Bing and Google have "Rozsnyay utca". According to the history it was already tagged as "Rozsnyay" in the past. Maybe an "alt_name" would do it. |
1701514 | Egri-vár |
1511127 | Marcell Végvári | "Nimcs ott semmi"
1651735 | vaandor | Innen nyugatra gyalogút, keletre célforgalmi szervizút a garázssoron át a főútig. A patak végig fedett. |
1502927 | wayami3ng | orchidea iskola |
1574675 | Körforgalom épült. |