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urkud's Notes

Notes submitted or commented on by urkud

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Id Creator Description Created at Last changed
closed 1434801 urkud

There is a link to the road here

closed 1437428 urkud

There is no house here, though there is one on e.g. Esri imagery.

closed 3600681 urkud

Unable to answer "What kind of building is this?" for via StreetComplete 51.1:

No building here

closed 3600682 urkud

Unable to answer "What kind of building is this?" for via StreetComplete 51.1:

No building here

closed 3600240 urkud

Unable to answer "Do these steps have a ramp? What kind?" for via StreetComplete 51.1:

The other path to the bridge is a wheelchair ramp

open 3367080 urkud

DPS/DMV office here, hours mo we th fr 8am-5pm, tu 8am-6pm. By appointment

via StreetComplete 46.1

Attached photo(s):

closed 2671465 urkud

Sidewalk on the odd side of the street from here to East.

via StreetComplete 31.3

closed 2671494 urkud

sidewalk from here to the north on the east side of the street

via StreetComplete 31.3

closed 1443110 urkud

Warren real estate

via StreetComplete 5.2

closed 1447346 urkud


via StreetComplete 5.2

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