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trimix_org's Notes

Notes submitted or commented on by trimix_org

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Id Creator Description Created at Last changed
closed 3777368

Konzum now

closed 2276926 trimix_org

Building not there anymore

via StreetComplete 21.1

open 3292763 trimix_org

Jezero Restaurant is here

via StreetComplete 45.1

closed 2796241 trimix_org

Unable to answer "What is the name of this bus stop?" for via StreetComplete 33.2:

Já não existe

closed 2505301


closed 2505300


closed 1645333 trimix_org

This road can be driven North in this segment

closed 2141183 1f6f056232

Qual é o nome do talho aqui?

via StreetComplete 18.0

closed 2104959

Supetarska draga 420, 51280 Rab

closed 696944

De Olde Keg

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