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toby3d's Notes

Notes submitted or commented on by toby3d

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Id Creator Description Created at Last changed
closed 3275973 toby3d

Unable to answer "What kind of building is this?" for via StreetComplete 45.0:

Палатки не существует

closed 2801987 toby3d

Unable to answer "Which direction leads upwards for these steps?" for via StreetComplete 33.2:

На этом участке только ограждение с островком безопасности

Attached photo(s):

closed 3159535 toby3d

Unable to answer "Is this stop lit?" for via StreetComplete 42.0:

Здесь нет остановки транспорта, она расположена дальше по дороге сразу после ближайсшего пересечения дорог

closed 3159477 toby3d

Новая трамвайная остановка

via StreetComplete 42.0

Attached photo(s):

closed 3353371 toby3d

Unable to answer "How does this path cross the barrier here?" for via StreetComplete 45.2:

Строительство завершено, здесь больше нет барьера

closed 3353372 toby3d

Unable to answer "How does this path cross the barrier here?" for via StreetComplete 45.2:

Строительство завершено, здесь больше нет барьера

closed 3262378 toby3d

Unable to answer "Who is allowed to park here? Parking may be free or paid." for via StreetComplete 44.1:

Здесь расположена остановка общественного транспорта. Парковка аато здесь запрещена

closed 3266665 toby3d

Unable to answer "What kind of parking is this?" for via StreetComplete 45.0:

Здесь расположена огороженная детская площадка

open 4208448 toby3d

Unable to answer "What kind of building is this?" – house number 2Б/1 – via StreetComplete 57.1:

Это автомобильная мойка

closed 3353346 toby3d

Unable to answer "How many steps are here?" for via StreetComplete 45.2:

Это ровный спуск без ступеней

Attached photo(s):

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