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Id Creator Description Created at Last changed
closed 2723629 dzidek23

New, ground level car park.. waiting for aerial imagery

closed 1778754 dzidek23

I always thought that the roof is only for Wilko and other retailers deliveries, but on the aerial photo you see car parking slots, driveway and what most important block of flats?
Can anyone confirm?

closed 2500488

This seems to me to be a path and not a cycleway. It can be cycled but with conflict with pedestrians. I saw no cycleway signs. Does anyone else have a view?

closed 2078118 dzidek23

Is that a new estate?

closed 2385470 annakulikowa

There is a feedback from delivery driver, which shows that he couldn't drive through this road. Is there any kind of obstacle, access ban, turn restriction or something else?

closed 2849522 Rindinadya

Could you check this road? Is there some kind of obstacles here? Drivers couldn't drive here.

closed 2933733 TJ-45

Unable to answer "What is the name of this road?" for via StreetComplete 37.1:

Seems to have four names!

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