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tguen's Notes

Notes submitted or commented on by tguen

Id Creator Description Created at Last changed
open 4545460 Lewdsloth

Nabisco Portland Plant Sign

closed 4455605 michael60634

Unable to answer "What kind of car wash is this?" – 76 (Car Wash) – via StreetComplete 59.1:

Closed. It's now an RV dealer

closed 4455606 michael60634

Unable to answer "Is there an air compressor available here?" – 76 (Gas Station) – via StreetComplete 59.1:

Closed. It's now an RV dealer

closed 4432459

This is no longer an Umpqua Bank. It is now First Community Credit Union.

closed 4493182 Nicksname1

Incorrect speed limits all along US20. 65MPH not 50/55mph all the way to Burns OR.

closed 4561264 tyendrister

"E 17th and Main St. (verified by visit)"
OSM snapshot date: 2024-10-17T20:37:52Z
POI name: Relevant Coffee
POI types: amenity-cafe cuisine-coffee_shop internet_access-wlan
#organicmaps android

closed 4569374

This Safeway is closed.

closed 4582289

Both ends of this T street are only as long as where the name of the street shows. I have ridden to both ends and they are not accessible further. Either there is no extension to these as this map shows or each end was abandoned years ago. They are completely blocked with blackberries so you can't even try to go further. Google satellite even shows these as shorter.

closed 4582295 Edthebikeguy

This T road has both ends too long on this map. Neither end is accessible further than where the road name on this map starts and ends. They are covered with blackberry bushes and it looks like they never extend those ends that far or they were abandoned years ago. Nobody can walk or ride that far. They are accessible only barely half the distance shown here. Google satellite shows them shorter too.

closed 4579008
