
telemaxx's Notes

Notes submitted or commented on by telemaxx

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Id Creator Description Created at Last changed
open 2222193 telemaxx

Die Mühlenroute ist bestimmt nicht richtig hier. Wenn jemand eine GPX oder einen Plan hat, könnte ich die korrigieren.

closed 1647058

Kein Supermarkt mehr existent, keine Post.

closed 661132 telemaxx

Kommt hier ein Kreisel hin? lt Rahmenplan von 2014, ja.

closed 745620 telemaxx

wegweiserhöhe 316m?

closed 667444

Tor, kein Durchgang 11.8.2016

closed 599829

Der K+K Markt existiert nicht mehr.

closed 670582 TheMechanist

I wanted to add a grass area here. Seems like I'm not capable of doing such edits yet.
I looked at other grass areas and always found the tag landuse=grass.
However this doesn't seem to render correctly.
Is it because of the other tags.
Furthermore this is not only a grass area, but a multiuse grass area belonging to the nearby playground.
It's popular for playing soccer, but there are no goals and it's designed as a general "Grünfläche" (not sure how to translate that: maybe "green area")
I will try to investigate further on how to tag this correctly, but if anybody has got an advice I would be very thankful.

closed 671712 boldtrn

Das Motorradfahrverbot sollte auf dem way liegen und nicht als Node

closed 729060 DV-E

The place has gone or never existed. This is an auto-generated note from MAPS.ME application: a user reports a POI that is visible on a map (which can be outdated), but cannot be found on the ground. User comments: "geschlossen jetzt Hörgeräte Horstmann " (OSM data version: 2016-09-19T14:38:03Z) #mapsme

closed 570801


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