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spughetti's Notes

Notes submitted or commented on by spughetti

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Id Creator Description Created at Last changed
closed 3862507 spughetti

New houses were built here, not visible on aerial imagery yet

closed 3984328

I sailed here to attend SotM EU but all I found is a candy jar with exactly 231 sweets inside

closed 3690701 spughetti

Bathroom is currently disused, will likely reopen later.

open 3923347 spughetti

There might be an underground parking lot at this location according to removed tag parking=underground on node 9739912117

closed 3592484 spughetti

There may be steps here. Can't say for sure 'cause the shadow of the building next to it covers the area.

closed 3560450 spughetti

Surface tags on these recreation grounds look wrong

open 3865975 spughetti

CCSF bungalows, rooms 701 through 716.

closed 3669199 spughetti

Unable to answer "Is Arriva (Transit Ticket Vending Machine) still here?" for via StreetComplete 40.2:

Check-in locations are R-NET

closed 3251235 Godsave

Central Bank of Nigeria, Lafia Branch

closed 3560449 spughetti

surfaces on these recreation grounds looks wrong

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