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sladen's Notes

Notes submitted or commented on by sladen

Id Creator Description Created at Last changed
open 3747267 Mateusz Konieczny

reported to be no longer existing

someone linked

(" The Beeches Light Railway Dispersal Sale of the Late Well Renowned Adrian Shooter's Private Collection of a 19B Darjeeling Steam Locomotive, Locomotives, Waggons, Literature and Railway Memorabilia - 184 Lots
Lots in the sale include a 19B Darjeeling Steam Locomotive, Locomotives, waggons, Literature, narrow gauge track and Railway Memorabilia")

not verified, unable to verify nonexistence claims

closed 2941291 sladen

Dieser Bereich ist sehr nicht-flach…

closed 2916464 murble

Mainzer Unterwelten? access mit treppen

closed 299891


closed 299878


closed 299885


closed 299877


closed 907

Does the river run under tesco or go via the duct near the earier bend?