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July 14, 2023

How to See a Private Instagram Account [Best Methods]

see private profiles

Are you trying to figure out how to see private Instagram profiles? Then you’ve arrived at the right location.

We all know that videos, photos, images, memes, infographics, and other forms of visual media are the exclusive ways people upload and share content. Instagram is a highly visible and popular social media platform with more than 1.3 billion active monthly users.

However, this does not mean a user hiding his profile means you cannot access it. There are methods you can follow to see the content of a user’s profile even after you have been denied access.

Scroll down; and read the complete article.

What Are Private Instagram Viewer Tools, And Do They Work?

A private Instagram viewer is a website that allows users to view private Instagram profiles without following them.

Anyone with internet access can find it and use it to gain access to otherwise private economic data. Using a private Instagram viewer, users can see posts from accounts they aren’t following.

This is an excellent way to analyze Instagram content without breaking any rules, and it protects the privacy of users who don’t want to follow the accounts they’re using to do so.

Ways to See a Private Instagram Account [Best Methods]


Private Instagram viewers are tools that have been developed to provide access to Instagram accounts without revealing your actual details. Keep reading to learn about the five best private Instagram profile viewers.

Method 1- Send a Follow Request

Sending a follow request is the easiest way to view someone’s private Instagram profile. As obvious as it is, the person you followed should accept your request.

You can watch their profile activity - images, videos, stories, and other posts activity only after they accept your follow request.

Method 2- Create a New Account

Let’s say you tried method one and failed, as the person you followed blocked you on Instagram. Then it’s time to work on the second easiest method - creating a new Instagram account. You can create a new account with a different name and pictures.

Make your new profile likable. Following the tips on making a good Instagram profile is a bit of work, but it works and has a better chance of acceptance.

Method 3- Google search to the rescue

Google always finds a way to help us! While the trusted search engine won’t help you slide inside the account, it will definitely collate all the information about the person.

Simply type the concerned person’s name in the search tab, and Google will display a library of their posts from all platforms, including Instagram. You can further select the ‘Images’ option at the top of the page to refine the results.

Method 4 -Ask a Mutual Friend

Asking a mutual acquaintance is another excellent option that requires little effort. You can request to view the private profile of a user if you know someone who is following the user who intrigues you.

Method 5- Use Third-party applications


Another option for viewing private Instagram profiles is using third-party apps;

Although we advise caution when using these tools, as they may carry privacy or security risks, here are some popular options available alongside the ones we reviewed below:

5.1 IMGLookup

The first one on our Private Instagram Viewer is IMGLookup. Most unrestricted Instagram online viewers can only access public Instagram accounts.

With IMGLookup, you do not need to download and install, it is an online tool, and it is 100% secure. One of the best parts of IMGLookup is that it can be used on Android phones or iPhones;

5.2 Instalookers

The Instalookers site can be best described as a private Instagram account viewer as it is meant for viewing private profiles. If there is an account that has blocked you or has its profile privacy to be public, you will no longer be at the mercy of the person as you can get the details and posts of the account quickly.

All you have to do is provide the username of the account, and the app will make the details of the profile open to you. While at it, you are not expected to register or even log into your account and as such, making it entirely anonymous.

5.3 Gwaa

Gwaa is also the best private Instagram profile viewer in the market. Using this tool, you can view private photos and videos of users on Instagram without revealing your identity.

The Gwaa will also provide you with other details, including the comments, list of followers, list of those the account is following, bio description, and further public details.

5.4 Glassagram

Glassagram offers its customers comprehensive information about the desired profile, and the installation process is straightforward and speedy. You can register for their services free of cost and verify that their system is functioning. Glassagram provides real-time updates to its clients, sending out data reports and information every few minutes.

5.5 PrivateInsta

Private Instagram accounts can be a pain in the neck as they instruct you to wait until the account owner permits you to view their content. If you need to view private profiles without getting the permission of the owner, then PrivateInsta is the service for you.

PrivateInsta is quite simple to use and requires you to provide the username of the account of interest. This tool is one of the tops in this regard and has been in the market consistently for over five years.

End Note

So, these are the 5 easy methods we’ve mentioned above, you can use any of the methods given in this article to see private Instagram profiles. While you have full control over the strategy you select, it is important to remember that not all strategies will yield the desired results.

You can try all of the above methods, But by using third-party application or tools like, IMGLookup, you can easily gain access to see someone’s private Instagram content.