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sec147's Notes

Notes submitted or commented on by sec147

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Id Creator Description Created at Last changed
open 2589653 sec147

This building and road need to be sorted out - confusing mass of ways at the moment

closed 2479368 opencoati


via StreetComplete 28.1

closed 2479363 opencoati

path behind houses

via StreetComplete 28.1

closed 2479364 opencoati

path behind houses but appears blocked in middle

via StreetComplete 28.1

closed 2479365 opencoati

path behind houses

via StreetComplete 28.1

closed 2479366 opencoati

path behind houses

via StreetComplete 28.1

closed 2479367 opencoati

path between houses

via StreetComplete 28.1

closed 2986383 sec147


closed 2259505 DevonshireBoy42

This service road is inaccessible from the network

closed 1856999 DevonshireBoy42

postbox is set in wall

via StreetComplete 12.2

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