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redsteakraw's Notes

Notes submitted or commented on by redsteakraw

Id Creator Description Created at Last changed
closed 406655 redsteakraw

Is this a road with a name just a track or something els?

closed 1205003 redsteakraw

Stores need to be added from survey

closed 1204900 redsteakraw

Jeep trail needs confirmaion and idealy gps tracks.

closed 399654 redsteakraw

Is this the Turkish Islamid Cultural Associates or another center or a Condo?

closed 396845 redsteakraw

Is this a residential road with a name or a shared driveway / service road, Name?

closed 512057 redsteakraw

What is the name for this trailer park

closed 405591 Bill257


closed 1605166 redsteakraw

Does Bayberry Lane Connect to Connors Lane?

closed 3518526 redsteakraw

Knotts Landing

closed 399618 redsteakraw

Is this a seperate road what name is it?