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plicploc's Notes

Notes submitted or commented on by plicploc

Id Creator Description Created at Last changed
closed 4593829 plicploc

Portion de rue barrée dans les deux sens: du numéro 690 à l'obélisque Sclermont

via StreetComplete 60.1

closed 2836416 plicploc

no street name? "Le champ Genet" according to Gmaps...

closed 4565162 plicploc

Unable to answer "What’s the surface here?" – on bridge: Path – via StreetComplete 60.0:

Pont en bois

Attached photo(s):

closed 4537094 plicploc

Unable to answer "Is there a shelter at this stop?" – Deux-Rys Salle (Bus Stop) – via StreetComplete 59.3:

No bus stop around

closed 4537092 plicploc

Unable to answer "Is there a shelter at this stop?" – Deux-Rys Salle (Bus Stop) – via StreetComplete 59.3:

No bus stop around

closed 4530025 plicploc

Unable to answer "Is there a waste basket at this stop?" – Liège Place des Grands Champs (Bus Stop) – via StreetComplete 59.3:

Bus stop moved in front of LOw haircut n280

Attached photo(s):

closed 4502952 plicploc

Unable to answer "Any vegetarian items on the menu here?" – La table (Restaurant) – via StreetComplete 59.3:

It's a regular house, restaurant definitely closed

closed 4500892 plicploc

Unable to answer "What’s the name of this place?" – Nursing Home – via StreetComplete 59.3:

For the moment it is unoccupied but it will be a school "la cité école vivante".

Attached photo(s):

closed 4499484 plicploc

Unable to answer "What’s the house number of this building?" – University Building – via StreetComplete 59.3:

C'est une passerelle entre deux bâtiments, pas un bâtiment à proprement parler et il n'y a donc pas de numéro

Attached photo(s):

open 4493542 plicploc

Should split the path, from here the soil is not asphalte anymore but de la terre

via StreetComplete 59.2