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otji73's Notes

Notes submitted or commented on by otji73

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Id Creator Description Created at Last changed
closed 4263619 Jens Dietzel

This is a comment generated by #OSMyBiz.
New/Modified Tags = '*', Removed Tags = '-'.

addr:street = Röder St
*addr:housenumber = 14
*addr:postcode = 13001
addr:city = Swakopmund
addr:country = Namibia

*name = FlowForm Rehab & Physiotherapy
*opening_hours = Mo-Th 09:00-13:00,14:30-17:00; Fr off; Sa off; Su off; PH off
*opening_hours_template = [object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
*phone = +264 81 790 1160
*email =
*website =
*wheelchair = yes

*category: Physiotherapist

closed 3739550 AJ_Viper

brewers market

open 3375751 Sekundemal

Unable to answer "What’s the name of this place?" for via StreetComplete 47.0-beta1:

Private college offering training courses

closed 4240619 LJKandjinga

UN Plaza

closed 4023259 gfl67

Sho-Sho Close

closed 4202939

WB Marine Mechanical Technicians

closed 4208559 Joni1970


closed 2811340

Traffic count location

closed 4063748 DG4GF

Kates Nest Guesthouse Oshakati


closed 4134026 MapExplorerPro

Unable to answer "What street is this on?" – house number 8: Hotel Building – via StreetComplete 56.1:

Innerhalb einer Hotelanlage/Lodge und daher ohne Straßennamen.

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