
origin data

Mapper since:
April 09, 2024

Welcome to Origin Data Global Limited! Origin Data is a premier independent distributor specializing in electronic components. Our mission is to help our customers locate even the most elusive parts, whether they’re obsolete, end-of-life, or simply hard-to-find. With a vast network and unmatched industry expertise, We ensuring swift delivery of essential electronic components and peripherals. Within our extensive inventory, you’ll find millions of parts tailored to meet the diverse requirements of our global OEM customer base. Our dedication to outstanding customer service and adaptable market strategies has cemented our reputation as a trusted leader in the industry. Central to our success is our rigorous quality assurance (QA) system and dedicated quality control (QC) team. Together, we uphold the highest standards, proudly backed by certifications such as ESD, AS9120B, ISO9001, ISO14001, and our membership with ERAI. What truly sets us apart is our seasoned team, boasting deep-rooted industry knowledge and years of hands-on experience. This allows us to collaborate closely with our customers, understanding their unique needs and delivering tailored solutions. At Origin Data, we’re committed to surpassing expectations, offering exceptional service, and fulfilling all your electronic component requirements. Join us on our journey to excellence! for more Electronic Component Information and Resources