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ohmanger's Notes

Notes submitted or commented on by ohmanger

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Id Creator Description Created at Last changed
open 4338200 ohmanger

what is this? Looks like a covered reservoir but not sure

closed 4027747 ohmanger

Marina area should contain all facilities. The current area just covers the water which should be tagged natural=water

open 4310020 ohmanger

"Floating Barrier" looks like a descriptive name, if it is it should be either moved to the description field or more appropriate tags should be added

open 4310017 ohmanger

Is "Fishing Lake" the name of these bodies of water? If not tag should be moved to description

closed 4129883 ohmanger

what is this? Looks like a school

closed 3882223 Eliiia

bicycles are encouraged by signs to join this area from the cycle lane. cycleway to north-west needs to be confirmed/fixed and needs to be continued through this area.

open 4180702 ohmanger

"Drive through" for collection of ice cream. Also has room for a picnic and a water. Probably should be mapped as a separate attraction as not accessible to people inside the park

open 4119342 ohmanger

Is it still an active church or converted into residential?

open 4102443 ohmanger

Should be a horse access gate here

open 4095348 ohmanger

If I remember correctly there are steps from the carpark to the Tanners yard here. Likely permissive.

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