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ntzm's Notes

Notes submitted or commented on by ntzm

Id Creator Description Created at Last changed
closed 3587195 ntzm

does this exist?

open 4342413 ntzm

Wawin has moved to 110 John Street

closed 3205130 Pan Perníček

Forwarding anonymous report from user, please verify: Footway-bridge has been closed.

closed 3743229

Currently closed due to unsafe bridge

closed 2880862 Rindinadya

Could you check this intersection?? Is there some kind of obstacles here? The drivers could not use these roads.

closed 4497940 ntzm

Check if toilets are open

closed 4374178 slackline

Used to be a free bicycle pump here but not anymore.

via StreetComplete 58.2

Attached photo(s):

closed 4542394 CanopyFalls

Unable to answer "What kind of building is this?" – Winter Gardens (Greenhouse Horticulture) – via StreetComplete 59.3:

Sheffield winter gardens are kinda a garden with a roof, benches some small shops but also acts as a passage between the adjoining gallery and museum. No idea how to classify this building.

closed 3977680 Trantion

The Cobweb Bridge is closed due to an arson attack in August, I don't think there's any info on a reopening date. I don't know how to mark it as closed on the map, it would be good if route planners can know to avoid it.


closed 3083532 ALRam

Is it possible to drive here by car? The driver sent feedback about leaving the pedestrian zone through this lane.