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niccokunzmann's Notes

Notes submitted or commented on by niccokunzmann

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Id Creator Description Created at Last changed
closed 4307828 niccokunzmann

Durch GPS und lokale Ansicht, ist der Gipfel und seine Markierung genau hier


open 4307829 niccokunzmann

Ich denke, der Gasthof ist weg und da ist ein Spielplatz.


closed 4296194 niccokunzmann

contains a road going across the sea with a message in Russian.

Maybe this is edited now.
Here is a picture in case you want to make sure you can close it:

closed 3862733 niccokunzmann

Baum versperrt den Weg.

closed 4100298 niccokunzmann

This does not look like a sports area to me. It is more a junk yard when I look at the satellite image. I do not know if this is the case though!

open 3862732 niccokunzmann

Der Asphaltpfad beginnt hier. Der Rest ist fester Sand.

open 3731756 niccokunzmann

there is no bridge any more. the farm track ends

open 2990234 niccokunzmann

here are houses now

open 2990233 niccokunzmann

There are several houses.

closed 2279322 niccokunzmann

gate, strictly no access except for permit holders, swlakestrust

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