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mgpx's Notes

Notes submitted or commented on by mgpx

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Id Creator Description Created at Last changed
closed 3986290 sugarbotond

A valóságban nem találtuk meg, felmérendő, hogy létezik e.

closed 4081223 Tajtrdlik

Forwarding anonymous report from user, please verify: "There is located Bablevescsárda - restaurant".

closed 3815592 sfphoton

Unable to answer "What’s the topic of this information board?" for via StreetComplete 53.3:

This is a guide post

closed 3275261 Misiiiiiii

This road is in a very bad condition, it's like impossible to walk on

closed 3275259 Misiiiiiii

This road is in a very bad condition, it's like impossible to walk on

closed 2650695

Fedett eső beálló

closed 3815650 Matyjace

Forwarding anonymous report from user, please verify: "closed"

closed 4058310 Pan Perníček

Forwarding anonymous report from #Mapycz user, please verify: Observation tower is closed.

closed 3854453 ef64

Couldn't see a hunting stand here...

closed 3854451 ef64

Hunting stand is jn fact about here.

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