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mcld's Notes

Notes submitted or commented on by mcld

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Id Creator Description Created at Last changed
closed 262561

Clare Squash Courts

closed 372043 mcld

way 55448110 and node 29144634 are two different "place=village, name=Over". really we should have just one feature for Over - someone localish really needs to decide whether they merge, or whether one loses its name+place tags, for example.

(I'd suggest leave the residential area as an anonymous area, and let the node handle the villageness, since I doubt the way indicates the official extents of Over. But I'm not local so I'm not touching it...)

open 239463 mcld

Please survey new features around here, from Barkingside Regeneration project:
* new town square
* new small park "Virgiinia Gardens"
* landscaping work

Briefly described here:

closed 548220 Γιώργος Γολέμης

Has moved to High Street since late 2014!!! #mapsme

closed 2992492 mcld

2022-01-01: Nieuwe ijsclub hier gezien. Dit is nu deels water, ook met pad veranderingen?

closed 2992501 mcld

Newly-built viewpoints: added them, but alignment is not precise yet. Also, no "forest" along this coastline now it has been renovated.

closed 459716 mcld

According to there's a gated mews called "Book Mews" around here, which is listed in the A-Z as "Brook Mews" as a trap street for copiers. Hopefully someone can survey it and tag it correctly ;)

closed 2253652 pjij


As per driver reported error and Os Open data data streetview there is a possibility of a barrier present at this node (link). Since there are no photo overlays I have not tagged it. If any local mapper has information regrading the barrier present at this place, please tag it accordingly or let me know I will make the edits.


closed 2666069 mcld

todo: add Vega Express once I've worked out exactly which part of 2 WdZlaan it is

closed 2556013 mcld

There are 2 "Amazing Oriental" shops in the map here. Is this duplication? We went but couldn't find the shops at all. Please could someone confirm whether either/both of the "Amazing Oriental" should be kept.

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