luja's Notes
Notes submitted or commented on by luja
Id | Creator | Description | Created at | Last changed | |
2889775 | luja | Condoms via StreetComplete 35.0 Attached photo(s):
2889796 | luja | sign with map of private property / propriete prive
via StreetComplete 35.0 Attached photo(s):
2889773 | luja | crossing pedestrians via StreetComplete 35.0 Attached photo(s):
3051028 | luja | Building 3465
via StreetComplete 40.0 |
2754548 | luja | Unable to answer "Does the bus stop Thermalbad have tactile pavings?" for via StreetComplete 32.2: Haltestelle entfernt wegen Baustelle Thermalbad |
2754557 | luja | Cigarettenautomat via StreetComplete 32.2 Attached photo(s):
2755007 | luja | Garage von kik
via StreetComplete 32.2 Attached photo(s):
2728157 | luja | Unable to answer "What surface does this piece of road have?" for via StreetComplete 32.1: path is covered with green |
2744976 | luja | Unable to answer "What are the opening hours of Sparkasse (Bank)?" for via StreetComplete 32.2: komplexe Öffnungszeiten siehe Foto Attached photo(s):
1643594 | Einbahnstraße wird demnächst für Radverkehr in Gegenrichtung freigegeben. Wenn es so weit ist, bitte mit "cycleway=opposite" markieren. |