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legeox's Notes

Notes submitted or commented on by legeox

Id Creator Description Created at Last changed
closed 1572440 loarbihan

"Marche de quelques centimètres"
POI name: Le Mékong
POI types: amenity-restaurant
OSM data version: 2018-09-11T19:10:03Z

closed 3561425 legeox

impossible to turn from bridge valet road and hotwell road

closed 3565467 legeox

It's now a shop called Maze ; see

via StreetComplete 51.0

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closed 3565485 legeox

This is Indira rose now

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closed 3565480 legeox

This is Livingstone st.ives art gallery. See

via StreetComplete 51.0

closed 3279730 legeox

carrefour a changé

closed 3313453 legeox

ici il y a une épicerie boulangerie "votre marché" horaires : mardi à samedi : 7:00-13:00 16:00-19:00 ; dimanche : 7:00-12:30; fermé le lundi

open 3565512 legeox

Does not exist anymore

via StreetComplete 51.0

open 3565479 legeox

This is now silver squid

via StreetComplete 51.0

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closed 3313263 legeox

ici, un problème de routage a eu lieu sur osmand ; trajet direction Rodez : la route calculée devrait faire aller vers la droite directement. actuellement, le routage fait passer par la gauche, pour faire demi tour au rond-point : un problème de géométrie ?