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laufor's Notes

Notes submitted or commented on by laufor

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Id Creator Description Created at Last changed
open 4347889 laufor

"De l’autre côté des Vieux Grenadiers, à l’angle de la rue "
OSM snapshot date: 2024-07-02T13:27:57Z
POI name: L'Envie de Fraise
POI types: shop-toys
#organicmaps ios

closed 4254299 laufor

"Cimetière "
OSM snapshot date: 2024-05-11T12:50:45Z
POI name: Exterieur Parc Batie/ Cimtière
POI types: fee-no wheelchair-no amenity-toilets
#organicmaps ios

closed 3838882 laufor

Musa Anter Barış Park

via StreetComplete_ee 53.32

closed 3837304 laufor

"Bay WC"
OSM snapshot date: 2023-07-10T17:38:00Z
POI has no name
POI types: amenity-toilets

closed 3837289 laufor

"Ulu Cami"
OSM snapshot date: 2023-07-10T17:38:00Z
POI has no name
POI types: building amenity-place_of_worship-muslim

closed 3837303 laufor

"Bayan WC"
OSM snapshot date: 2023-07-10T17:38:00Z
POI has no name
POI types: amenity-toilets

closed 3984243 laufor

"fermeture en 2022, maintenant une structure pour sans abris"
The place has gone or never existed. A user of Organic Maps application has reported that the POI was visible on the map (see snapshot date below), but was not found on the ground.
OSM snapshot date: 2023-09-20T00:34:57Z
POI name: La Cour des Augustins
POI types: internet_access tourism-hotel
#organicmaps ios

closed 2359269 laufor

"maison des Associations"
POI has no name
POI types: building
OSM data version: 2020-08-22T02:23:14Z

closed 3868611 laufor

10+4 steps

via StreetComplete 53.3

open 3921840 laufor

"12027. Sokak"
OSM snapshot date: 2023-08-14T02:00:17Z
POI name: 2029. Sokak
POI types: highway-residential
#organicmaps android

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