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lasagna's Notes

Notes submitted or commented on by lasagna

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Id Creator Description Created at Last changed
open 4305155 lasagna

A construction project recently finished that rerouted taxiways T and D so they don't intersect. We should update them once someone can find a good source for the new geometry.

closed 3188065 user4816003805

Jetblue's checkin is roughly here, next to and slightly west of Southwest

closed 1250227

Paul Ave bike lanes/sharrows need to be checked. Bike lanes were recently added on both sides of the street, but there was also an article a couple of months ago saying the city was considering removing them

closed 4129335

Bike lanes drawn as a separate cycleway (they were already mapped correctly). There are several similar edits all over the city recently.

closed 4227107 kevinchen1

Berry St contraflow bike lane should be checked since the comment is from 4 years ago

closed 2648758 kevinchen1

Verify 30 mph speed limit - seems high

open 4281824 lasagna

There's an automated license plate reader here facing south (or maybe at another intersection on Bay Road).
Survey to confirm the location and see if there are any other ALPRs at this intersection facing in other directions.

closed 1312401 lasagna

Part of this pedestrian area is covered by the parking garage. I'm not sure how to add tags to describe this.

closed 4272625 user4816003805

A new building is under construction here. These buildings no longer exist.

closed 3354786

Strange access=no tags here

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