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kurolesoff's Notes

Notes submitted or commented on by kurolesoff

Id Creator Description Created at Last changed
closed 4476560 Евгений 059

"Закрыто давно "
The place has gone or never existed. A user of Organic Maps application has reported that the POI was visible on the map (see snapshot date below), but was not found on the ground.
OSM snapshot date: 2024-09-04T00:27:27Z
POI name: bodyboom
POI types: leisure-sports_centre
#organicmaps android

closed 4476514 Евгений 059

Бодибум не работает давно

closed 4138735 kurolesoff

хоккейная коробка


closed 4296507 Spirizer

The place has gone or never existed. A user of Organic Maps application has reported that the POI was visible on the map (see snapshot date below), but was not found on the ground.
OSM snapshot date: 2024-05-28T17:19:44Z
POI name: Spoce dress
POI types: shop-clothes
#organicmaps ios

closed 4416940 Radion Gazizoff

Родник общественный

closed 4295751 PNovikov

"Нет его больше"
The place has gone or never existed. A user of Organic Maps application has reported that the POI was visible on the map (see snapshot date below), but was not found on the ground.
OSM snapshot date: 2024-05-28T17:19:44Z
POI name: Водопроводчик
POI types: tourism-artwork-sculpture
#organicmaps android

open 3603189 Serhii Dukhno

Мой дом... Его уничтожили путиноидв...

closed 4385755

Стадион "Трудовые резервы"

closed 4092950 kurolesoff


closed 4053625

С 5 января в 12:00 закрывается остановка "Торговый комплекс «Лента». Автобусы 30 и 81К следует без остановки.