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khlav_kalash's Notes

Notes submitted or commented on by khlav_kalash

Id Creator Description Created at Last changed
closed 4482025

This is the house where my mother lived in 1930-1946 approx . She moved to London where i live and I have photos of that time …. Contact 07956669273

closed 4543644

Wein & Bild gibt es nicht mehr

closed 4533029

Hausnummer 10a

closed 4559597

ist recreation ground und leisure = park korrekt?


closed 4551654 Stefan Port

"Der Laden hat Anfang Oktober endgültig geschlossenen."
The place has gone or never existed. A user of Organic Maps application has reported that the POI was visible on the map (see snapshot date below), but was not found on the ground.
OSM snapshot date: 2024-11-22T15:57:19Z
POI name: Bikers Base Bike Shop
POI types: wheelchair-yes shop-bicycle
#organicmaps android

closed 4570800

Sanitätshaus dauerhaft geschlossen seit 1.9.2024

closed 4547173

Gebäudeumrisse stimmen nicht


closed 4569806 nzr-2020

Hier ist die Hausnummer 9 zu finden. Diese fehlt in OSM.

closed 4566864

Nicht L388, siehe

closed 4577319

Falsch: 40J
Richtig: 40K
(40J + 40K sind vertauscht)