
karitotp's Notes

Notes submitted or commented on by karitotp

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Id Creator Description Created at Last changed
closed 853361 karitotp

Can someone confirm and addd if here is Weber Flooring/Joe's Carpet? Thanks

open 522616 karitotp

Does actually this way exist? Can you fix it?

closed 1113227 karitotp

Someone know which is the condition for this turn restriction? Thanks

closed 866915 karitotp

Can someone confirm and add if this address is 255 Whipple? Thanks

closed 722283 karitotp

Can someone confirm if the correct name is Lynnview Dr.? Thanks

closed 840854 karitotp

Can someone confirm and fix if from that point on and all the way to Tseri, the main road is called Strovolos Avenue? Thanks

closed 899288 karitotp

Can someone confirm and fix if this part of the street is Balancan, not Cuzama? Thanks

closed 721063 karitotp

Can someone confirm if Rhoose Rd. begins here? Thanks.

closed 1190656 karitotp

Can anyone please confirm and add if the address of this location is 1390 Red Lion Road, Bear Delaware 19701?

closed 908285 karitotp

Can someone confirm and add if here there is a missing highways called Snowy Owl Woods? Thanks

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