jleedev's Notes
Notes submitted or commented on by jleedev
Id | Creator | Description | Created at | Last changed | |
620982 | jleedev | Some missing and nonexistent roads here. |
3407926 | I-76 | Didn't Sprint become part of T-mobile? |
2773397 | colgza | The roadway is tagged as two-way, but is unreachable travelling from the South to the North. |
2588591 | colgza | Shouldn't the PA 66 route relation include PA Tpke 66 relation? |
2264922 | This is not a Walgreen’s. It is a CVS. |
880766 | jleedev | saw mill run blvd is divided from just past rite aid on the south to a bit north of glenbury. which requires redoing the whole junction. |
1640385 | jleedev | Roundabout |
2340213 | jleedev | Trail realigned as of 14 March 2020 <https://www.rachelcarsontrails.org/news/2020/rachel-carson-trail-major-reroute-ridge-road> |
1633030 | jleedev | Exits 32B&C get a separate way right about here; stay to the left for SR 126 towards Montgomery. Eastbound traffic from Exit 14 now has a traffic light; there's a "continuous green" for Exit 32C traffic. |
889463 | jleedev | let's see how this maps.me app can do. oy vey. (OSM data version: 2017-01-19T15:17:02Z) #mapsme |