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Mapper since:
September 17, 2015
Last map edit:
March 07, 2024

About Me

I’m a geographer and humanitarian that’s passionate about using maps for social and environmental justice. Currently serving as the Program Director for OpenStreetMap US.

Formerly, the Field Programs Lead for Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team, providing support to HOT field programs around the world for training, GIS, and managing field operations. Through HOT, I have participated in and led field mapping in Liberia, Tanzania, Uganda, Botswana, and Guatemala as well as supporting many mapping communities remotely with technical advice and training.

I am an active member of the OSM US, OSM Africa and OSM Liberia communities, and was a member of the organizing committee for State of the Map Africa 2017 in Kampala, Uganda.

OSM-related accounts:
OSM Wiki: JessBeutler
Missing Maps: jessbeutler
OSM US Slack: Jess Beutler
HOTOSM Slack: Jess Beutler