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jakecopp's Notes

Notes submitted or commented on by jakecopp

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Id Creator Description Created at Last changed
closed 3366708 jakecopp

there is a locked gate here on the footpath

closed 3376630 jakecopp

footpath to road joint here has curb at standard gutter height - not suitable for wheelchairs etc

closed 2900667 jakecopp

Add notes on speed changes

closed 2900670 jakecopp

changes to 60kph

closed 2900671 jakecopp

road becomes one lane heading westbound

closed 2900672 jakecopp

road becomes one lane westbound 40kmh

closed 2900673 jakecopp

speed changes to 60 eastbound

closed 2819760 jakecopp

Unable to answer "What type of tourist information is this?" for via StreetComplete 33.2:

history plaque

closed 3412343 jakecopp

This crossing appears to be too far north compared to what's on the ground.

closed 3359129 jakecopp

needs fixing - this is a famous arch, not fast food

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