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ialokim's Notes

Notes submitted or commented on by ialokim

Id Creator Description Created at Last changed
open 4374572 ialokim

"path slighly wrong on map (follows height lines)"
OSM snapshot date: 2024-07-02T13:27:57Z
POI has no name
POI types: highway-path hwtag-yesfoot
#organicmaps android

open 4369661 ialokim

"Not found on place"
The place has gone or never existed. A user of Organic Maps application has reported that the POI was visible on the map (see snapshot date below), but was not found on the ground.
OSM snapshot date: 2024-07-02T13:27:57Z
POI name: Banca Intesa
POI types: amenity-atm amenity-bank
#organicmaps android

closed 4182742 ialokim

"C'est changé à un restaurant écuatorien"
The place has gone or never existed. A user of Organic Maps application has reported that the POI was visible on the map (see snapshot date below), but was not found on the ground.
OSM snapshot date: 2024-02-28T20:33:36Z
POI name: O'Gratins
POI types: amenity-fast_food
#organicmaps android

closed 4521946 ialokim

Unable to answer "Do you need to pay to enter here?" – Brandenburgisches Textilmuseum Forst (Lausitz) (Museum) – via StreetComplete 59.3:

In Renovierung, geschlossen

closed 4521947 ialokim

In context of overlay "Places" – house number 1 – via StreetComplete 59.3:

Temporär umgezogen ins Jahn-Gymnasium

closed 4521950 ialokim

Unable to answer "Is drinking water available here? If so, what is its source?" – Drinking Water – via StreetComplete 59.3:

Vorübergehend abgebaut

closed 4431397 ialokim

OSM snapshot date: 2024-08-10T16:22:45Z
POI has no name
POI types: amenity-parking
#organicmaps android

closed 4244718 ialokim

"Auf der anderen Straßenseite"
The place has gone or never existed. A user of Organic Maps application has reported that the POI was visible on the map (see snapshot date below), but was not found on the ground.
OSM snapshot date: 2024-03-26T20:04:01Z
POI has no name
POI types: building-address
#organicmaps android

closed 4433048 ialokim

"private property from here on (fence)"
OSM snapshot date: 2024-08-10T16:22:45Z
POI has no name
POI types: hwtag-private highway-path
#organicmaps android

closed 3781514 ialokim

"Permanently closed"
The place has gone or never existed. A user of Organic Maps application has reported that the POI was visible on the map (see snapshot date below), but was not found on the ground.
OSM snapshot date: 2023-06-02T17:16:21Z
POI name: Intersport
POI types: shop-sports