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heroine's Notes

Notes submitted or commented on by heroine

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Id Creator Description Created at Last changed
closed 3442297 heroine

"this bar is no longer there"
The place has gone or never existed. A user of Organic Maps application has reported that the POI was visible on the map (see snapshot date below), but was not found on the ground.
OSM snapshot date: 2022-10-29T18:47:05Z
POI name: Ганс
POI types: amenity-pub

closed 3504373 heroine

"this place has closed"
The place has gone or never existed. A user of Organic Maps application has reported that the POI was visible on the map (see snapshot date below), but was not found on the ground.
OSM snapshot date: 2022-10-29T18:47:05Z
POI name: Берёза
POI types: amenity-cafe

closed 3442295 heroine

"Новая культурно-образовательная площадка, первый в городе частный дом культуры. Место для развития современного искусства, новых социальных и культурных проектов. Атмосферная андеграундная концертная площадка в центре Сургута."
OSM snapshot date: 2022-10-29T18:47:05Z
POI name: ДК Невесомость
POI types: tourism-artwork

closed 3504374 heroine

"this place has closed"
The place has gone or never existed. A user of Organic Maps application has reported that the POI was visible on the map (see snapshot date below), but was not found on the ground.
OSM snapshot date: 2022-10-29T18:47:05Z
POI name: Эльдорадо
POI types: shop-electronics

closed 3504372 heroine

"this place has closed"
The place has gone or never existed. A user of Organic Maps application has reported that the POI was visible on the map (see snapshot date below), but was not found on the ground.
OSM snapshot date: 2022-10-29T18:47:05Z
POI name: Бюро
POI types: shop-stationery

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